Slack now has deprecated legacy tokens, instead, Slack encourages us to create Slack Apps to do our job, so I created a note to record how I set up Slack app and use it on drone-slack-blame plugin.
If you are using zap as your logging tool, then when you write the tests, you might want to assert the function via the logs. You can use zap/observer package to make it possible.
Below is a code piece to demonstrate how it works:
如果 rails app 裡的 initializer 有載入順序的需求的話
可以照著 Ruby On Rails Guide 這篇來設定
If you have any ordering dependency in your initializers, you can control the load order through naming. Initializer files are loaded in alphabetical order by their path. For example, 01_critical.rb will be loaded before 02_normal.rb.
檔名加個數字前綴,rails 就會以數字順序來依序載入~