Writing Lua on Mac
2014-08-06 00:00
1 minute read

Install lua on mac

I’m not sure that whether Lua is built on mac originally.

(Ok, tested on Mac OSX 10.9, there is Lua in it.)

So I installed Lua via Homebrew.

Install homebrew (optional)

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"

Install Lua by homebrew

brew install lua

Writing Lua

You can use command: lua to interact with lua. (just like php -a or irb)

print("Hello World")

function fact(n)
	if n == 0 then
		return 1
		return n * fact(n-1)

print("enter a number:")
num = io.read("*number") 

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